Therapeutic potential of megadose vitamin C to reverse organ dysfunction in sepsis and COVID-19

Abstract Sepsis induced by bacteria or viruses can result in multiorgan dysfunction, which is a major cause of death in intensive care units. Current treatments are only supportive, and there are no treatments that reverse the pathophysiological effects of sepsis. Vitamin C has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and immune modulatory actions, so it is a rational […]
UnCensored Transparen-C

Critical Emergency COVID-19 & Comprehensive Vitamin C Therapy Medical Webinar From the original front lines in China: “Consensus of expert panel from Shanghai, China recommends IV vitamin C in the treatment of the COVID19 virus. Early reports from the principle investigator point to reduced cytokine, inflammatory burst in the COVID19 with the use […]
Pandemic Pathogens & Pandemonium

Schools and workplaces are shut-down for an indefinite period of time, public recreational facilities and beaches are closed during the high season spring-break, cities across the country are under lockdown and mayors and governors across the country continue to implement additional drastic Coronavirus measures and directives in an attempt to thwart the spread of the […]
March Newsletter – Critical Emergency COVID-19 & Comprehensive Vitamin C Therapy Medical C’mposium – 2020 May 1st-2nd 2020 – Clearwater-Beach, FL at Wyndham Grand

The World Health Organization announced this week that the viral outbreak of Coronavirus is now classified as a pandemic. One day later, President Trump announced that he is suspending inbound travel from Europe to the US for 30 days. This new and highly contagious virus continues to wreak havoc as it spreads across the […]